Tupac once said that there’s a difference between “a bitch and a woman”.
A bitch will allow herself to be disrespected and dominated over. She will tell lies and gossip to other girls, and not care what contributions she makes in this society. She will also use her knowledge for unnecessary purposes and allow it to be wasted by the slang and terminology of rap music used against her. A bitch will be uncleansed and unorganized. A bitch can have no sense of pride or self-respect in herself and and or features/characteristics. And lastly a bitch will be controlled by the social environment in which she surrounds herself, thus becoming a loud barking female in which the word “bitch” is defined.
But a woman, a woman is much different. A woman takes pride in her appearance. She wants to be noticed and seen as an intellect by her environment. A woman will take responsibility in herself and the way she lives her lifestyle. She will make sure she provokes the impact she makes in this world. A woman will gladly set a man his pace, showing superiority to oneself on a professional level only. A woman will demand power, respect and equality. Lastly, a woman will be confided with the responsibility of representing what a strong intellectual female should be.
As Tupac once said that “there is a difference between a bitch and a women. I love women, but I hate bitches.”
I hope you know and see it also.